News & Announcements 2020
On this page you will be able to view news items and articles that were published by Deverell Hall during 2020.
Latest announcements for this year appear at the top of this page - please scroll down for older topics!
National Lockdown - 5th November 2020
First Published - 1st November 2020
From Thursday 5th November 2020, the UK will be under a new lockdown of national restrictions expected to last at least one month. These Government restrictions unfortunately once again impact Deverell Hall.
Read This ArticleCOVID Alert Level - MEDIUM
First Published - 14th October 2020
The new three-tier system of Covid-19 restrictions has begun in England, and these came into force on in the last day or so. What does this mean for Community Halls such as Deverell Hall, or for other groups and hirers using our hall?
Read This ArticleCOVID 19 QR Codes - ALL USERS
First Published - 19th September 2020
From Thursday 24th September 2020, businesses and venues in the UK are required by law to display NHS Test & Trace QR Code Posters. These posters have been displayed at all the entrance points into Deverell Hall.
Read This ArticleCOVID 19 Secure Guidance - Hall Users
First Published - 20th July 2020
Based on current Government Guidance surrounding Covid-19, we have produced a clear step by step set of guidelines which we hope will help you use Deverell Hall safely. Providing we all work together, we can keep the hall safe for everyone to use.
Read This ArticleHirer Risk Assessment - FREE TO USE
First Published - 28th June 2020
Deverell Hall have produced a Hirer Only Risk Assessment document which you might find useful. Our blank Covid-19 Risk Assessment is provided "as is" and without warranty. You may adapt it to your specific hirer needs. We suggest that you print off this document, and make any relevant changes that apply to your own group. If you would like this document sent to you in an editable word format, please contact us.
Read This Article4th July 2020 - Our next steps
First Published - 25th June 2020
On 23rd June 2020 the Government announced that village halls and community buildings are able to re-open from Saturday 4th July 2020, providing they adhere to COVID-19 Secure guidelines. At Deverell Hall we have already put in place many safeguards, and have been working hard to ensure the safety of all people who use our building.
As we now continue to move forward, we need to aim to maintain diligence and safety. I think that most people would agree there is always the possibility of a second wave of Coronavirus hitting again, not only our country, but across the world as lockdowns are eased. So with this in mind, at Deverell Hall we want to make sure that we have done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to mitigate the risks involved.
Read This ArticleAfter Cornonavirus - Moving Forward
First Published - 14th June 2020
Planning and preparing for how Deverell Hall can safely re-open for the Deverell Hall Preschool setting, and hopefully in the near future, for all other regular hirer groups.
Looking forward, we have been planning and preparing for the timed and phased re-opening of Deverell Hall. One of our initial challenges was to get the hall ready for the re-opening of the Deverell Hall Preschool setting. After this, we have put in place preparations (pending the Government go-ahead) for regular hirers to be welcomed back.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Timeline
First Published - 16th March 2020
It's easy to lose track of time when weeks drift into months, but it was 16th March when Boris Johnson (the UK Prime Minister) urged everyone to "to stop non-essential contact with others and to stop all unnecessary travel". He went onto add "We need people to start working from home where they possibly can. And you should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues."
It was at this stage (if not slightly before) Deverell Hall was having bookings cancelled, or cancelling bookings ourselves. The hall then closed its doors for all hirers at the end of Friday 20th March 2020.